
Here's just a small sampling of what we’ve accomplished thus far.

Trail Work

With our time and our money we’ve worked in some manner on every mile of trail in the park:

  • Erosion Control and Damage Repair

  • Invasive Species Management

  • Fallen Tree Clearing

  • Wayfinding Signage

Campground Improvements

At the family campground the Friends leveraged our money and time to secure a grant to pave the ADA campsite. In horse camp we did the same to install high lines, paddocks and manure pits. In both we do cleanup and invasive species management.

Protecting Native Species

The Friends actively monitor rare and threatened species in the park and do extensive invasive species control work to protect the native plants, insects, birds and mammals. We’ve adopted the embedded Mt. Pisgah Hemlock-Hardwoods State Natural Area for the same reason. We also maintain three dozen Bluebird houses.

Visitor Programs

The Friends have facilitated and supported events like the Candlelight Ski and others to expand opportunities for visitors to recreate in new ways at the Park.

Community Outreach

The Friends have partnered with local organizations like the Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton school district to provide outdoor nature-based educational opportunities in the Park. The Community Club in Ontario is a partner for the Candlelight ski event. We are partnering with Kickapoo Valley Reserve and the Mississippi Valley Conservancy to establish a 13,000 acre Dark Sky area.

Hemlock Trail Stabilization and Reroute

Securing Grants

We write grant applications and leverage our funds and labor to secure grants that support a wide variety of projects.

Clothing Concessions and Trail Pass Sales

The clothing we sell with Friends logos and our commission on trail pass sales are a major source of funding for the projects we execute and the matching funds for the grants we secure. Look for us selling both at Horse Camp on Saturdays all summer and check out the clothing at the Park office.

Firewood Concession

The firewood we sell is a major source of funding for the projects we execute and the matching funds for the grants we secure. Buying your firewood in the park directly supports all the work we do.

Flood Recovery

With miles of river within the park boundary, floods have a major impact on Wildcat Mountain. The Friends have spent hundreds of hours scouting for trash and removing debris from the natural areas adjacent to the river.