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Monarchs - Conserving a Flagship Insect

Meet at the Upper Picnic Shelter.

Join Karen Oberhauser for a short prairie hike in search of pollinators, followed by a presentation about Monarch butterflies. Monarch butterfly populations have been declining over the last 25 years—essentially the entire time that we’ve been monitoring them. It is important to move beyond documenting this decline, and toward responding to the challenge posed by monarch conservation and insect conservation in general. Karen will describe the amazing biology of migratory monarchs, how we can use data collected by scientists and public to understand what is driving monarch numbers, and what we can do with that information. Karen Oberhauser is the Director of the UW-Madison Arboretum. 

A park admission sticker is required for vehicles entering the park.

August 20

Astronomy Program and Stargazing

September 17
