The Friends were at work in Horse Camp this week cutting taproots and pulling out Common Burdock (Arctium minus), Bluntleaf Dock (Rumex obtusifolius) and Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa). All three are invasive species and we are working to keep these as contained as possible. When they are present in camp they get spread along the trail system so containing them at the source is the first line of defense. If you are able to help us with this task, even if only for a few minutes during a camping stay, please contact us and we can get you started! We use a special shovel created by The Prairie Enthusiasts called a “Parsnip Predator” to speed the process but a flat spade does the trick as well. Dress appropriately if you work on Parsnip though - contact with the plant sap will make your skin very sensitive the sun and can lead to severe skin burns.