Tree Planting Team
On a windy Earth day with snow, sleet and graupel (you’ll have to look that one up) several hardy souls spent the day digging and extracting rock from holes at Wildcat Mountain in the campground and picnic area. 12 native shrubs and 47 trees were planted and watered-in to start the recovery of shade and habitat that has been lost due to storm damage and the loss of Ash trees. These were purchased with donations from generous individuals through the ongoing tree challenge fundraising and matched dollar-for-dollar by the Friends. 43 additional trees will be arriving soon. Thank you to Ben, Dan, Linda, Liz, Marcy, Marla and Scott for the volunteer time. Thank you to Chris for the prep and working side-by-side with us.
The Friends will continue to care for these trees throughout the growing season with regular watering to help ensure good survival. If you visit Wildcat this summer use care around our new plantings so they have a chance to grow and live a long life.